Parsa Bahrami's virtual existence!

This shall be a place to share my tech-related and nerdy, sociological or philosophical ideas

Who Am I?

Hmm, who am I? One of the greatest philosophical questions of all time, right? Well, let’s see. I'm a Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo with a minor in Combinatorics and Optimization - that's for sure. I come from a competitive programming background and my heart beats for graph theory. I love low-level and compiler stuff and have a lot of experience writing parsers. When I'm not coding, I'm either rock climbing, exploring new hiking trails, cooking - not in the GenZ language but actual culinary, or pondering life’s bigger questions. I like to say I’m a part-time existentialist, though it’s more of a hobby.

What to Expect

I know people usually write their blogs to show off their projects and stuff, and I'll probably do that too. But here's the thing: I've been yearning for a space to pour out the thoughts that keep me up until 5 AM. Expect a mix of tech insights, late-night musings, and perhaps some existential ponderings. This blog is my digital canvas for the ideas that refuse to let me sleep – from coding conundrums to life's bigger questions. So, grab a coffee (or whatever keeps you awake) and dive into my nocturnal narratives.

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